Network security training course

Malware analysis training is one of the special specialties in the field of information security that few people are drawn to. In the malware analysis training course, you will learn about the nature of malware, types of malware, detecting the existence of malware, analyzing processes, and knowing how malware works, etc.


Definition of malware

Description of types of malware

Description of the attack methods of various types of malware

Ways of malware penetration into the system

Description of malware obfuscation methods

Description of malware encryption methods and how to open this type of encryption

Introduction of important Windows APIs

Defensive techniques of malware

Description of anti-disassembly technique

Description of the anti-virtual machine technique

Description of anti-debug technique


Different packing methods

Methods of opening different Packers

Methods of hiding APIs

Code injection

Introducing types of malware analysis

Basic static analysis

Dynamic base analysis

Advanced static analysis

Advanced dynamic analysis

Introduction of tools

Introduction of static analysis tools

Introduction of dynamic analysis tools

Introduction to IDA

Getting to know OllyDbg